55 Easy & Fun Christmas Craft Activities For Toddlers – DIY Xmas Crafts for the Holidays

Inside: cute and easy Christmas-themed crafts for toddlers – fun holiday craft activities for 2-4 year olds.

Engaging in fun and easy Christmas crafts is a wonderful way to celebrate holidays with toddlers. As long as they’re simple! 

I mean, the simplest thing can become stressful and complicated when you have a little one in tow.  Add in Christmas and there’s a potential meltdown just around the corner. And I don’t just mean from your toddler, right?!

In this post, we’ll share a variety of easy toddler Christmas crafts that are perfect for 2, 3, and 4-year-olds.

If you’re looking for fun Christmas art projects using your toddler’s foot or handprints as an adorable gift for the grandparents, we’ve got you covered.

Need some quick toddler holiday crafts, DIY ornaments and decorations to create special memories with your little ones, we’ve got plenty of ideas to inspire you.

Some do involve paint or glue, but, fear not! I’ve divided the list by ease as follows:

SIMPLE, MINIMAL MESS – a glue stick may be needed, but nothing messier

SLIGHTLY TRICKIER OR STICKIER – may involve PVA/white school glue


So let’s get to it – loads of super easy and fun DIY xmas toddler crafts. Plus a few trickier, stickier and messier ones.

Pick and choose. Merry Christmas!

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Christmas crafts for toddlers feature

Toddler Christmas crafts: cards & “artwork”

Cards and “artwork” can be pretty interchangeable – as long as the artwork is not giant-sized you can cut it out and stick on a card or just start with the card.  And vice versa, I’m sure you get what I mean.

So these two types of Christmas craft for toddlers are grouped together. 


washi Christmas tree craft for toddlers
Washi tape Christmas tree from @lori_loves_her_books

#1 Washi tape Christmas tree

A Christmas craft for toddlers at it’s best. Strips of washi tape and some Christmas present stickers are all you need.  Then let your toddler get stuck in and see what he or she comes up with.  I’m sure it’ll be as cute as the upside-down Christmas tree on the right, way more funky than the one mom did on the left.  

toddler paint chip Christmas card crafts
Paint chip Christmas cards from Busy Blooming Joy

#2 Paint chip Christmas card

You can probably see just how simple this Christmas craft is, even for the littlest of toddlers. Some green paint chip cards, sparkly Rhinestone stickers and a star is all you need.  Opportunity to practice scissor skills for older toddlers or preschoolers too.

doily Santa Claus Christmas crafts for toddlers
Doily Santas from @mrs.prek3

#3 Surprised doily Santa craft

I love the surprised look!  This my favorite Santa of all these toddler Christmas crafts I think.  Choose these mini doilies if you want to fit this onto a Christmas card.  To cut your prep time to a few minutes, use a large circle hole punch and some dot stickers.

For more crafts all about the infamous bearded man, try these Santa crafts for toddlers.

 handprint Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Handprint Christmas trees from @simplystrangecrafts

#4 Handprint Christmas tree craft

A cut out of your toddlers handprint and some colorful gem or Rhinestone stickers is all you need for this one.  Simple and cute, this one’s a keeper for years to come.  Just don’t forget to date it!

Rudolf Christmas crafts for toddlers
Rudolf Christmas card from Non Toy Gifts

#5 Rudolf Christmas card or craft

So simple and so effective, I definitely want to try some of these with my two this year.  Time to stock up on some red pompoms, googly eyes and pipe cleaners.

paper strips Christmas tree crafts for 3 year olds
Paper strips Christmas tree from @micromacro_bari

#6 Paper strips Christmas tree craft

Simply draw a triangle and then your toddler can have fun either cutting or ripping strips of paper and sticking.  A few decorations complete this simple toddler Christmas craft and card.  

Handprint angel Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Handprint angel Christmas craft or card from the Soccer Mom Blog

#7 Handprint angel Christmas craft or card

This one will take a bit more time with those handprints to cut out, but your toddler can take charge of the gluing and sticking.  Too sweet!

Triangle trees Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Triangle trees Christmas card from Non Toy Gifts

#8 Triangle Christmas trees card

Another Christmas craft for a toddler aged 3-4 that is so simple yet can have such a stunning end result.  Even if those trees end up a little wonky with a little one at the helm, one of these cards is sure to be a hit with the receiver.


More cute Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4, these cards may need a helping hand or the mess contained!

Snowman Christmas card crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Snowman Christmas card from Red Ted Art

#9 Snowman Christmas card

There are a few different materials involved in this cute toddler craft, glue and the snowflakes are fingerpainted on! This one will be a little tricky and, most likely, messy.  

But I think the extra hassle will be totally worth it. Such a cute Christmas card for toddlers to make. Shape & fingerprint christmas crafts for toddlers age 1-2

#10 Shape & fingerprint Christmas snow scene

We did this one while practicing shapes.  Triangles, squares as well as trapeziums cut from scrapbook paper make up the Christmas trees.

More white paint fingerprints for snow do mean there’s potential for mess but my two were pretty restraint this time.  Perhaps they’re finally growing up?! (And I’m both overjoyed and heartbroken…)  

Plenty more Christmas tree crafts here.

Love crafting with your kids? 

Here are some more crafts aimed at little ones:


Watch out for these ones…These are not Christmas crafts for the 1-2s or those age 2-3.  Best saved for the bigger little ones, preschoolers and up.

Paint resist Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Tape resist Christmas card from The DIY Nuts

#11 Tape resist Christmas tree card of craft

Tape up the shape of a Christmas tree with painters tape and let your toddler go wild over the top with some tempera paint or other kid-friendly paint.   Hopefully, when dry and the tape has been removed, you’ll reveal the silhouette of a Christmas tree. 

Another must-try for this Christmas.

card smudge painting toddler Christmas crafts
Christmas card smudge painting from @dayinspace

#12 Christmas card smudge painting

The key to this Christmas craft for toddlers, is to do one color at a time. Otherwise whatever colors you chose, your 3 or 4 year old will mix them all together and you’ll get brown. I’m all for learning color mixing, but if you want Christmas cards you can actually send, ONE COLOR AT A TIME!

Footprint tree card Christmas crafts for 3 year olds
Footprint Christmas tree card from Messy Little Monster

#13 Footprint Christmas card craft

Getting a clean and clear painted footprint from a toddler or preschooler can be quite a challenge. But with this one, you simply cut the footprint out to finish the card meaning you can just ignore all the smudged ones.  Another one needing a few sparkly gem stones or sequins.



Cupcake liner Christmas crafts for toddlers age 1-2
Cupcake liner Christmas cards from Lil Tigers

#14 Cupcake liner Christmas cards

Some simple folding of cupcake liners and a dash of glitter and you can end up with these two cuties.  Just perfect for the front of a toddler made Christmas card – any 3-4 year old will be chuffed giving these.

Christmas crafts for 3 year olds using pompom and paint
Pompom painted Christmas tree from Crafted With Bliss

#15 Pompom painted Christmas tree

With this one, you switch up the paintbrush for pompoms making this a fun painting activity come Christmas craft for your 3-4 year old toddler.



Spin art Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Spin art Christmas tree card from Messy Little Monster

#16 Spin art Christmas trees

Toddlers and preschoolers alike are going to love the spin art part of this Christmas craft.  Paint and a salad spinner are the main ingredients.  Then it’s a case of cutting out a Christmas tree shape and sticking on a card.

Christmas tree ornaments to make with toddlers

Making ornaments for the tree is a must-do toddler Christmas craft. Lovely keepsakes and perfect as gifts for doting grandparents. Well, I hope so, unless my parents are just being polite (seems unlikely, on second thoughts!). 

This is a Christmas craft we’re going to continue to do every year, a favorite of many family Christmas traditions.

Below is a selection of ornaments, most suitable for toddlers and preschoolers aged 3-4 years old, although some will be suitable for 2 year olds as well.  For even more homemade ornaments, check out: 39 adorable Christmas ornaments for kids to make.


Start here if you’re looking to make a Christmas ornament craft with your toddler aged 2-3.

pompom ornaments Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Pompom Christmas tree ornament from Elle Marie Home (previously the Inspiration Vault)


#17 Pom pom Christmas ornament 

Toddlers just love “posting”, aka stuffing, things through and into small spaces.  So this one will probably keep your little one busy for longer than you think.  And, it’s totally mess-free. Double win!  Grab these clear plastic baubles and festive pompoms and you’re ready to go.

bauble ornaments easy Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Wrapping paper baubles from Simple Fun For Kids

#18 Wrapping paper baubles

A fun activity turned Christmas craft for your toddler; similar to the last ornament craft but with an added step of cutting or shredding some wrapping paper.  Then more posting… Another no prep, no mess toddler Christmas craft you gotta love.  

snowflake ornament Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Craft stick snowflake ornaments from Thimble & Twig

#19 Craft stick snowflake craft or Christmas tree ornament

Once you’ve glued a few colored craft sticks together with a hot glue gun, the fun part of decorating is all on your little one (these festive sequins look just the ticket).  Dead simple and super cute and could also double as a Christmas tree ornament.


These Christmas ornament crafts are just that little bit trickier, but still good for those aged 2-3.

melted pony bead toddler christmas crafts
Melted pony bead ornaments from @simpleplay.withsteph

#20 Melted pony bead ornaments

Some festive metal cookie cutters and some pony beads are the main ingredients here. It’ll be a good test of fine motor control for toddlers age 3-4 to pick up the little beads and arrange them inside the cookie cutter.

These then need to be on a baking tray lined with baking parchment.   Pop them in a preheated oven until the beads have melted – for more details check out @simpleplay.withsteph.  

Rudolph ornament Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Thumbprint Rudolf ornament from @cristynsharkey

#21 Thumbprint Rudolf ornament

For this Christmas craft you only need a thumbprint from your 3-4 year old – the rest is up to you.  You will need something of a steady hand to draw on the antlers and reindeer face.  For the full tutorial check out @cristynsharkey.

salt dough tree ornaments Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4
Salt dough Christmas tree ornaments from Busy Blooming Joy

#22 Salt dough Christmas ornaments

My 3 and 4 year old loved making these cut Christmas ornaments last year and I must say, having come up with the decorating part of this on the spur of the moment, I’m a bit chuffed at how well they came out! 

Using some festive cookie cutters, cut and then bake your salt dough ornaments, then decorate with stick-on stars and glitter.  

wood slice Christmas crafts for toddlers age 1-2
Rudolf wood slice ornaments from Conservamome


#23 Rudolf wood slice ornaments

Another simple yet toooo cute Christmas craft that I’m going to have to try with my kids.  I can see poor old rudolf ending up with more than 2 ears though and a few too many eyes since that’s the way a lot of our crafts go at the moment, but we shall see. 

More ornaments inspired by nature here.

easy paint toddler Christmas crafts
Painted Christmas tree from @daily_dose_of_activities

#24 Easy paint & decorate Christmas tree ornament craft

You could make this even simpler by doing the painting yourself or just buying some green cardstock.   That way, it’d be a very simple Christmas craft for toddlers age 3-4 and younger ones too.  (And virtually mess-free too.)

cinnamon Christmas ornament crafts for toddlers
Homemade cinnamon ornaments from Strength and Sunshine

#25 Homemade cinnamon ornaments 

This looks like more salt dough but it’s not.  These are actually made from applesauce and cinnamon – which will be a lovely sensory experience for the kids, or anyone in the vicinity I should think.

I can just imagine the gentle wafting of cinnamon spice and apple as my two toddlers quietly smoosh the ingredients into a dough, Christmas music playing gently in the background while I drink a cup of coffee…

Ha ha!  In my wildest dreams, but seriously, as long as I can manage to contain the mess and the sticky fingers, I’m excited to try this.

There are plenty more Christmas ornaments to make with kids here.

40+ easy activities handpicked for busy moms of kids aged 2 to 6 years – because Christmas needn’t be chaotic or cost a fortune!




Pompom pinecone trees Christmas crafts for toddlers age 1-2
Pompom pinecone trees from Red Ted Art

#26 Pompom pinecone trees

It’s all the glue involved that puts these easy pine cone tree decorations in the slightly trickier/messier category of toddler Christmas crafts.  Other than that, it’s dead simple!  Check the link above for the full tutorial.

ornament Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3 using clay
Clay fingerprint ornaments from Thimble & Twig

#27 Clay finger or thumbprint ornaments

These will make the sweetest keepsakes.  I’m thinking a thumbprint ornament for each member of the family, complete with name and year.  I’m just adding these number and letter stamps to my Amazon shopping basket right now… (I already have some Christmas cookie cutters like these.)

Spaghetti Christmas tree ornaments toddler Christmas crafts
Spaghetti Christmas tree ornaments from Busy Blooming Joy

#28 Spaghetti Christmas tree ornaments

These were another hit with my 3 and 4 year old toddlers last year – the only difficulty was getting them to not eat the dried pasta!  Like most toddlers – pasta, particularly spaghetti (or worms as they call it), is their absolute favorite food (savory that is…) 3d ornament Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4

#29 FREE 3D Paper Christmas ornament templates (including color-in options)

Here’s a Christmas ornament craft perfect for toddlers aged 3-4 that’s super easy to prep. It’s also no mess – double win! Click the link for the free printables. Then simply print, cut and assemble.


You’re sure to be tempted by their cuteness, but these Christmas crafts will require a little more work with your 3-4 year old. Or will likely produce more mess…

You have been warned!

salt dough handprint Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Salt dough handprint ornaments from the Best Ideas For Kids

#29 Salt dough handprint ornaments

Perfect for the littlest hands – if only I’d come across these when my two were a bit smaller.  My eldest’s hands are a little big now (the Christmas ornament would knock our tiny tree down for sure!)

Thumbprint Christmas ornament toddler Christmas crafts
Thumbprint Christmas lights ornament craft from The Moody Blonde

#30 Thumbprint Christmas lights ornament craft

This is one for the whole family to get involved in,  each member of the family adding a print or two. Very pretty and a lovely memory for many years to come.  A clear plastic bauble, paint, a marker pen and some steady finger print makers are all you need!  To make it white, fill with faux snow.

Other Toddler Christmas crafts & decor

Paper plate crafts, Santa crafts, Rudolf crafts, hopefully cute enough to decorate your home, this chunk of Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4 has a bit of everything.


Lots of easy Christmas crafts for the little ones, ideal for toddlers age 1-2 and 2-3.

Christmas window decor crafts for toddlers age 1-2
Window decorations from @Hdazzi

#31 Christmas window decorations 

Contact paper, some construction paper or card (for the outlines) and some fun bits and bobs to embellish is all you need for this activity come Christmas craft for toddlers.

Christmas wreath craft for toddlers using paper plate and tissue paper
Tissue paper wreath from @learnandplay4kids

#32 Paper plate & tissue paper Christmas wreath craft

Paper plates are just made for a Christmas wreath craft. Another toddler Christmas craft that’s good fine motor practice and the end result is just lovely.  Perfect for the front door.

Beaded Christmas bracelet for toddlers to make
Beaded Christmas wreath craft from Red Ted Art

#33 Beaded Christmas wreath craft

Another Christmas wreath craft, this time even simpler; using beads and pipe cleaners this one is completely no prep and mess-free.  Putting the wreath together is good threading practice; unlike the wreath before, this one definitely won’t be big enough for the front door.  Could well keep your little one busy for some time though – my daughter loves to thread!

Stamp and sticker Christmas tree crafts for 3 year olds
Stamp & sticker Christmas trees from @piglets_pen

#34 Stamp & sticker Christmas tree craft

Cut out a Christmas tree shape and grab an empty TP roll from your collection (only me?!).  The stickering and stamping is then all up to your toddler or preschooler. Twine and a star to finish.

paper plate bauble Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Paper plate baubles from @lilstarzhomedaycare

#35 Paper plate baubles

More sticking practice here for a 2, 3 or 4 year old.  Tissue paper circles will cut your prep to no time at all. Otherwise, grab one of these large hole hole punches or some dot stickers.

Felt Christmas tree crafts for toddlers age 1-2
Felt Christmas tree craft from Hunny I’m Home DIY

#36 Felt Christmas tree craft

Add one of these felt Christmas trees to your shopping basket, some festive foam glitter stickers and you’re away… Gluing on some sparkly pipe cleaners, optional.

easy Christmas wreath for toddlers to make
Easy sticker Christmas wreath from @myboredtoddler

#37 Sticker Christmas wreath craft

Thought the last paper plate wreath craft was simple? This one beats it hands down!  A perfect Christmas craft for a 2 year old.  No explanation needed…

Love easy activities of the non-craft variety?

Check out:


More lovely Christmas crafts for all ages, but best suited to those age 2-3 and 3-4.

Paint chip Christmas crafts for 3 year olds
Paint chip Christmas tree craft from Messy Little Monster

#38 Paint chip Christmas tree craft

Simple and very effective, I just love paint chip crafts!  The clever addition of a cork means these cute Christmas trees will stand up – they’d make sweet table decorations perhaps? Stock up on craft buttons here.

easy paper plate snowman Christmas crafts for toddlers
Paper plate snowman craft from @mrs.prek3

#39 Paper plate snowman craft

A  bit more cutting prep required here, but these snowmen are so darn cute!  If you regularly do crafts with your toddler, you’ll probably have all the supplies to hand. 

Paper plant Santa Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Paper plate Santa from @craftyjulie811

#40 Paper plate Santa craft

Sweet and simple Santa’s – another must-do Christmas craft for 3 to 4 year olds, easy enough for littler ones too.

snow globe toddler Christmas crafts
Snowglobe Christmas craft from Messy Little Monster

#41 Make a snowglobe craft

A bit more complex but toddlers and preschoolers can help mixing up the glitter mix inside and will have tons of fun shaking their very own homemade snow globe and watching all the sparkle rain down.  

shredded reindeer Christmas craft for toddlers 2-3 years old to make
Shredded paper Rudolf craft from @housingaforest

#42 Shredded paper Rudolf craft

I love the rustic look of this Rudolf and am picturing a string of these in a Rudolf garland hanging somewhere in the house.  Just need to find someone with a paper shredder…

Cotton ball snowman Christmas crafts for toddlers age 1-2
Cotton ball snowman craft from Mombrite

#43 Cotton ball snowman craft

Cotton ball sticking is the main part to this Christmas craft.  Toddlers will then have fun sticking on the snowman’s face, hat and mittens. Click the link above for the free printable.  

Christmas tree craft for toddlers using craft sticks
Craft stick Christmas tree craft from Thimble & Twig

#46 Craft stick Christmas tree craft

Simply glue some green craft sticks into a triangle (or get some green craft paint out) and then your toddler can stick and glue the pompoms to decorate.  Would also look good hanging on the Christmas tree.

paper plate Santa craft for toddlers
Paper plate Santa craft from @swissperscotton

#47 Paper plate Santa craft

A fun and cute Santa craft for toddlers and preschoolers – more cotton wool balls and red paint needed!

Love free printables?

Try these this festive season:


I’m sure you’ve got the idea now. These Christmas crafts are best reserved for older toddlers and will need a little more time, patience and/or clean up and so on…

puffy paint snowman Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Puffy paint melting snowman from @Hdazzi

#48 Puffy paint melting snowman

Lots of potential for mess and stickiness here, this Christmas craft will be seventh heaven for a 3-4 year old!  One to have a think about first, but if it ends up as cute looking as the one above, it should be worth it.  Click the link above for the tutorial.

footprint Christmas crafts for toddlers
Night before Christmas footprint craft from Messy Little Monster

#49 Night before Christmas footprint craft

I’m dying to try this one with my two this year; if I can get it as neat looking as the one above I’ll be chuffed (and surprised) and may even have a go at hand-writing the text.  Otherwise, I may just use the free printable via the link above.   

Paper plate Christmas tree toddler craft
Paper plate Christmas tree craft from Red Ted Art

#49 Paper plate Christmas tree craft

The trickiest part will be tying on the paper baubles to this fun Christmas craft – one for mom I think.  Worth it to see a couple of these hanging around the house.  

handprint Rudolph Christmas crafts for toddlers age 2-3
Glitter handprint reindeer craft from @kidscraftyloft

 #49 Glitter handprint reindeer craft

Simple construction paper shapes, a wrapping paper bow and your toddler’s handprints and you’re set.  My favorite Rudolf craft so far!

Santa craft for toddlers
Santa Craft for toddlers from Busy Blooming Joy

#50 Paper plate Santa craft

How about this fun Santa craft for toddlers this Christmas? Perfect for your 3 or 4 year old who loves the world of make believe.  So that’s all of them then!

Want to try some handprint crafts?

Check out these handprint birthday card ideas. We also have some handprint craft templates are free for instant download:

Christmas gift wrap, gift bags & gift boxes for toddlers to make/help with 

Finally on this list of Christmas crafts for toddlers and preschoolers… Christmas gift wrap, gift bags and gift boxes which toddlers age 3-4 can help make or decorate. 

Like all the cute Christmas cards you’re going to make, doing a few of these might actually tick a few things off your Christmas to-do list.  

Homemade decorative box toddler Christmas crafts
Homemade box decorating from Busy Blooming Joy

#50 Decorate a homemade gift box

Toddlers and preschoolers can help decorate these insanely easy DIY gift boxes (they take less than 10 minutes).  There are two options:

First, stamp or print the cardboard before you construct the box. Or secondly, decorate it once complete, with some simple sticky snowflakes as in the picture above. 

For more decorating ideas, check out 15 Simple And Stunning Gift Box Decoration Ideas.

christmas crafts for toddlers age 1-2 using cookie cutters
Christmas cookie cutter stamped gift bag from @myboredtoddler

#51 Cookie cutter stamped gift bags

Got some cheap plastic cookie cutters hopeless for cutting cookies or playdough with?  Yup, me too. What they are perfect for, is stamping with paint… So why not brighten up some plain white gift bags for a cheaper and more personal look.  A fun activity and Christmas craft for toddlers age 3-4.

kate2tea Christmas activity for toddlers

#52 Potato stamped wrapping paper

A long stretch of butcher paper, potatoes and some deftness with a kitchen knife is all you need for this one.  Let your toddler go to town stamping and fingers crossed you’ll end up with some useable wrapping paper.  

40+ easy activities handpicked for busy moms of kids aged 2 to 6 – because Christmas needn’t be chaotic or cost a fortune!

What age are these Christmas crafts for?

I think officially, toddlerhood starts at the age of 1 and ends age 3-4.  They change a lot in that time period.  Less things in the mouth, more opinion, to name a couple…

These are Christmas crafts for toddlers age 3-4 but plenty are suitable and easy enough for 2 year olds, with more help and supervision as necessary.  We could also easily add 5-year-olds to the list, less help and supervision required.  

These Christmas crafts are for toddlers aged 3-4 years with a few suitable for the under 2s too.

There are some Christmas crafts that younger toddlers can help with safely, for a handprint or fingerprint. And leave you with your sanity intact. Mostly.

Tips for doing Christmas crafts with toddlers & preschoolers 

I’m going to start with some tips for doing Christmas crafts with toddlers, or any toddler craft, in fact. 

If you have any to add, please do let me know in the comments – I’m all ears to anything else to make crafting with my little rebels, sorry, angels easier.

1 – Pick activities based on how much time (and sanity) you have

Limited time quickly ramps up the stress.  And doesn’t seem to matter how much time I think something will take with a toddler or preschooler in tow, it’s never enough!


If you’re really not in the mood, consider postponing the potential stress of crafting to another day.  An engaging, simple to set up and minimal mess activity might be a better idea. Or a fun movement activity to get those wiggles out! 

Activities involving music and movement might also be a better option.

2 – Remember it’s about the process of creation for your child, rather than the end result

Kids have an incredible imagination and are amazingly creative.  If you can, sit back and enjoy their creativity.

Toddlers love to explore and experiment with new materials and different textures.  They may look like they’re just playing and making one heck of a mess, but they’re also hard at work figuring out the world. That’s where the learning and development comes. 

So, if the craft looks anything like it’s meant to, that’s a bonus, not a given!

3 – If your toddler Christmas craft requires prep, try to do this out of sight 

Little ones are totally unable to keep their hands to themselves, it’s normal. A perk of this particular chapter of life with little kids…

4 – Make the craft alongside your toddler

This helps them to see what it is they’re trying to achieve. Of course, they may well have zero intention of achieving the same thing as you, but, as per #2 above, that’s ok.

A Christmas craft for a toddler age 3-4 should look like a toddler was at work…

This also helps if you actually need some Christmas cards at the end of the crafting session.  If you do a few yourself you may have some worth sending. Although my kids efforts are always far cuter than mine, warts and all!

Which Christmas craft will you try with your toddler age 3-4?

Phew, what a list.  Let me know which Christmas craft you’re going to try with your toddler or preschooler? I’d love to know. In the meantime, Happy Christmas! 

Looking for more Christmas arts, crafts and activities for your littles? Take a look at these:

Excited for Easter? Bookmark these for later.


Useful stuff? Want to save it for later?  Want to share with other moms? Click above or pin this image:

Christmas crafts for toddlers feature

Got any comments or questions?

I’d love to here from you.  (Your email address will not be published.)

Or contact me direct at [email protected]

Want to dig a little deeper? Check out these other related posts:

A little about me

Mom of 4 kids, baby sleep expert plus home organisation and kids activities and crafts

Hi, I'm Sarah

Mom of four outrageously gorgeous Littles.  Yup, four!  The twins are now two and that title still brings me out in a cold sweat… Yet I’m just as determined to give them the best without losing my mind.  I reckon it’s possible!  Most days.  

I love a challenge and have to find out they ‘why’, ‘what’ or ‘how to’  –  there are rather a lot of these when it comes to kids… 

I also love, love, love things to be neat and tidy and just so.   The Littles normally have other ideas!  

Intrigued? Find our more about the team at Busy Blooming Joy here.

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