25 Cute & Simple Easter Activities & Crafts For Babies 6+ Months

Inside: fun and simple Easter activities to do with your baby, from sensory play to “art” and just plain fun Easter-themed things to keep your little one entertained

Everything is a “first”, for your baby in those first 12 months.  While there’s no need to do everything, for some reason their first Easter is always something I’ve wanted to make a little special.  

Maybe that’s because all of my 4 babies have been well through the newborn phase, or 4th trimester, by Easter and I’m beginning to feel a little      more human again! Maybe it’s the arrival of the Spring… And the promise of chocolate?  Who knows.  

Anyway, to mark the occasion, I’ve had a go at a few Easter activities for babies over the years.  So far just for my older two, but this next Easter will be the first for my twins.  I cannot wait! 

But with even less time on my hands, now with 4 little ones, these Easter activities, or should I say, any activity, needs to be simple.  And, of course, these activities are aimed at tiny tots, from around 6 months of age, or when sitting happily, up to 18 months.  Simple is the only way.

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Fun Easter activities for infants & baby Easter crafts

In this post, you’ll find a range of baby-friendly Easter activities, from sensory play to easy baby Easter crafts.

“Craft” I hear you say?  Sounds impossible?!  

Activities for young kids, from babies up, should be all about exploring and experimenting, with or without our input.  Nearly everything they do fulfills this need to find out about the world around them.   

So let’s use the term “craft” and “art” very loosely here!  Think paint splashes and smears on card cut into an egg shape.  The Easter crafts and acivities for babies included in this post are no more complicated than that. 

Probably the trickiest of these Easter activities are those destined for the long-term.  The hand, foot and thumb-print baby Easter crafts.  The special keepsakes that will be squirreled away by proud grandparents and parents for many years to come. 

Do be wary if your baby is mouthing as to what materials you let them handle.  All the Easter activities are outlined with babies in mind, but if your baby is particularly mouthy there are some you may want to skip.  

So let’s get to it.

Easter sensory activities for babies

Sensory activities and sensory play give our little ones the chance to explore and experiment using the different senses, most commonly through touch, sight and hearing. 

Weaning and those first foods provide plenty of opportunities for babies to discover lots of new smells and tastes. 

You may have already found out how babies and young toddlers love to squish and smear food.  They’re simply exploring through and developing their senses.  As messy as it is, playing with food at this age is to be encouraged!

So here are some Easter sensory activities for babies.  You’ll see plastic Easter eggs used a few times. They’re baby-safe and the perfect size for little hands. They easily screw and unscrew which makes for good fine motor practice for toddlers and preschoolers. Babies can have a go too.

Plastic eggs can be incorporated into lots of different Easter activities for babies, as you’ll see below.  It’s well worth getting a few for your little one to enjoy over the coming years.  

#1 Easter egg water scooping

In this Easter sensory activity for babies, simply add unscrewed plastic eggs, so they’re in halves, to a tray of water.  Let your baby pick them up and scoop and pour with them.  Or just let them splash about with them. 

You could even chuck a few eggs in with them at bathtime.  A fun and simple Easter activity for babies, no prep too.

Texture eggs for babies toddlers
Experimenting with new touch sensations with these textured eggs

#2 Textured sensory eggs for babies

Here’s a mess free activity with an Easter theme.  Sort-of! These are a bit like water balloons, but instead of water, use solid fillers to create different textures in an egg shape.  (Ignoring the knot of the balloon, they do look a little like eggs!)

Using a plastic funnel, fill balloons with pasta, flour, sand, dried beans.  Anything you can easily fit inside that gives a different texture.  Don’t overfill the balloon, you want them small enough for your baby to hold easily.

Remember stress balls? The one filled with flour felt just like one of those,

A fun Easter sensory activity for babies and older kids too. They loved playing, “guess what’s inside the egg” but once that game was over they loved just squeezing them and making them into different shapes. 

They also loved tossing them, stacking them, hiding them…. they were entertained for quite a while.

fun Easter sensory activity for babies with plastic eggs
A fun Easter sensory activity for babies using plastic eggs & pasta/oats/cereal

#3 Pasta/oat/rice sensory bin with plastic eggs

Cupboard staples such as dried pasta, grains, pulses and cereals are great materials for sensory activities and dry messy play.  Simply add to a large tray along with those plastic Easter eggs. Then put your baby either next to it or inside (the latter will contain both mess and baby!)  

You could also try this with shredded paper or any other dry material.  Why not try cloud dough?  Cloud dough, also known as moon sand, is soft, fluffy and very, very touchable. It’s irresistible to any little kid!

Cloud dough is also taste safe so if your baby gets a bit in their mouth there’s nothing to worry about.  To make it, simply mix together flour and oil, any types will do, in a ratio of 8:1.  

A moon sand sensory box is very popular with my older kids too, and features in these Christmas sensory activities and is the filler for some of these fake snow sensory bins

Pack & unpack the eggs from the egg box - fun baby activity for Easter
Pack & unpack the eggs from the egg box = toddler entertainment

#4 Plastic eggs & egg trays

Place the plastic eggs in the egg trays and let your baby pick them out and put them back.  Or probably more likely, drop them somewhere completely different…

Easter egg rattles for fun sensory play
Plastic egg rattles make fun sensory play for babies at Easter

#5 Easter egg rattles

Pack the plastic Easter eggs with loose objects such as sand, flour, dried beans etc and screw shut for some easy homemade rattles. 

Although if your baby is anything like my troublesome tot, he may find it even more fun to watch the eggs roll off the play table and onto the floor, then watch Mom pick them up… Every minute. 

That makes for a fun Easter activity for babies! 

(If you’re at all concerned about the contents of the egg falling out, secure the egg shut with some tape.)

Water beads in a bag - Easter sensory activity for babies
Water beads make a fun Easter sensory activity – simply secure in a ziplock bag to make them baby-safe

#6 Easter egg (water bead) sensory bag

This is a lovely Easter sensory activity for babies and toddlers, whatever the season.  But since water beads are egg-shaped and colorful, they’re perfect for Easter. 

Ok, I’ll admit, it’s a bit of a stretch to imagine them as Easter eggs, but little Jake at 9 months old, pictured above, loved them just the same.  

For mouthing babies and toddlers water beads need to be enclosed somehow, hence the ziplock bag.  Soak the water beads over night or according to instructions, then place inside the bag. Tape the bag shut securely, for safety and also so it doesn’t leak. 

Then tape the bag onto your baby’s high chair table or play table – they’ll enjoy touching and poking it and looking at the changing colors as the beads, sorry Easter eggs, move. 

If your baby is pulling herself up or walking you could try taping the sensory bag to a window. 

Baby Easter crafts & art activities 

Like the sensory activities, these Easter crafts and art activities for babies are simply offering them more ways to experiment and explore. 

When it comes to “crafts”, (if you can call them that) the experimentation is in the colors and the means of applying paint or crayons to a “canvas” of some sort.  I.e. paper or card.  The inside of an old cereal box is my go-to.

With babies, toddlers even,  you don’t even need a tool – they have their hands!  Finger painting is the way to go at this age. (Just be sure to use baby-safe paint.)

Either cut your canvas into an egg shape before starting or cut it once your budding Picasso is done. 

You could of course easily create an Easter bunny craft by cutting out a bunny shape or even try a chick shape.  But Easter eggs are perfect for random scribbles and paint splashes and the easiest shape to cut out.So enter some baby Easter crafts and activities for infants.  

Easy Easter egg activity for babies
Using egg-shaped crayons to scribble on egg-shaped paper!

#6 Crayon scribbled Easter egg art activity

Cut some construction paper to shape, grab some crayons and you’re good to go.  How great are these egg-shaped crayons pictured?  They’re the perfect shape for baby Easter crafts and the ideal size for tiny hands (as demonstrated by my beautiful little niece, just over 1 year old).

#7 Painted egg art activity

This Easter egg art activity for babies is best on a large scale.  Think a huge sheet of paper that your baby can actually sit on. 

Whip up some taste safe baby paint (a little food coloring added to some baby rice) or buy some baby finger paint. Then let your baby have fun smooshing and squeezing the paint and rubbing their hands all over the paper (and probably all over their body – have your camera ready!). 

Hopefully, when done you’ll have something on paper worth saving.  Cut your egg-shape, and you’re done.  Not only is this a fun, baby Easter craft and activity, but it doubles as a sensory activity.


cool whip Easter sensory art activity for babies
Dyeing hard-boiled eggs with cool whip is a fun Easter sensory activity for babies from Views From A Step Stool

#8 Dyed egg sensory art activity for babies

If the results are as good as in the picture, this baby Easter craft is a must. It also doubles as a lovely sensory experience for babies and is taste-safe too.

All you need are some hard-boiled eggs, cool whip, food coloring and a willing baby or toddler to get stuck in!  For the full tutorial from Views From A Step Stool click here.  

Loving these simple baby Easter crafts? We have a few other craft and activity posts for this age group:

The cutest hand, foot & fingerprint Easter crafts to do with your baby

Hand, foot and fingerprint crafts are a different kettle of fish altogether – more for mom or other family members than baby.  They make such lovely keepsakes but as I alluded to earlier, can be a bit tricky to do and do well.  If you have a bit of time and patience, they’re normally worth the effort. 

Tips for doing hand, foot and fingerprint crafts

Don’t do what I first did and try and get your little one to stand in the paint and then stand on the paper.  Or dip their hand in the paint and place it on the paper.  BIG mistake!  Since we’re talking babies here, I’m sure you wouldn’t dream of trying that, right?! 

So what you want to do is paint your baby’s hand or foot and then gently, but firmly, place it on paper.  Then roll either foot or hand over from one side to the other and lift off, before the print gets smudged. 

Then, if you want to avoid any more mess, quickly wipe the paint off your baby and take the print away for safekeeping and to finish off later.

Easter craft activities for babies - with fluffy tailed bunny
Fluffy Tailed Footprint Easter Bunnies from Cool Little School

#9 Hoppin’ bunny footprint art

The template takes some of the hardwork out of this footprint baby Easter craft – simply click the link to download for free. 

Then simply add some ears and a fluffy cotton ball tail to your baby’s footprint and there you have a cute Easter Bunny.  I love the addition of the little poem at the top – this one will definitely be a keeper and may even be worth framing.

Try these adorable free Valentines templates, for more hand and footprint art with a love theme.

#10 Easter Chick handprint art

Eyes, beak and feet complete this cute Easter Chick handprint artwork – another cute Easter activity my baby niece has been busy with.

Easter Bunny Handprint Craft from Mas And Pas
Easter Bunny Handprint Craft from MasAndPas


#11 The cutest bunny handprint craft to do with your baby

In this Easter art activity, baby’s fingers become the bunny ears.  Clever and cute for making a personalised Easter card.

For more cute personalised cards for someone special, check out these handprint birthday card ideas.

Easter egg art activity for babies thumb print
Easter egg art activity for babies using their thumbprint


#11 Baby Easter egg thumbprint craft activity 

If you can manage to get some neat thumb or fingerprints from your baby, a few lines, zigzags and spots will quickly turn them into Easter eggs.  Another baby Easter craft that’d work really well for a homemade card for a special grandparent.

Other fun & easy easter activities for babies

Here are the best of the rest of these easy Easter activities for babies.

Easter activities for babies - photoshoot
An Easter-themed photoshoot would make a fun and memorable Easter activity for your baby

#12 Photoshoot

I love a little baby photoshoot (especially now with twins)- though taking a decent photo always takes me a few hundred shots (even more so with twins…)

Anyway, I cannot wait to try this Easter activity with my babies.  Here are some cute Easter bunny ears to make. Although I might shortcut this and buy these fluffy bunny ears. Then grab a basket, some toy bunnies, those plastic eggs and get snapping.

#13 Pack & unpack the Easter basket

Babies and toddlers just love getting everything out.  Out of cupboards, out of drawers, out of boxes…. So why not give them an Easter basket jammed packed with scarves, soft toys, weaning spoons and anything else you can find that’s baby safe and let them unpack that. 

Perhaps they’ll want to put everything back, but probably not… 

Peekaboo Easter egg activity for your baby this Easter
Hiding things inside plastic Easter eggs, can keep your baby entertained for ages (especially if you hide something edible!)

#14 Easter egg peekaboo

Use your unscrewed plastic eggs to hide interesting (and baby-safe) objects either inside or underneath and play peekaboo for a fun, easy activity for your baby this Easter.

#15 Easter eggs skittles

This baby Easter activity is really simple, just like the last.  Set up some plastic cups in a line then show your baby how to push and roll the eggs across the floor to knock them down. 

They may get it, they may not!  Your baby will probably follow the eggs and simply bash the cups down too.  Or pick an egg up, drop it and then watch it roll somewhere else again.  It’s the simple things…

Remember, as long as your baby is engaged and having fun, it doesn’t matter too much.  This is an Easter activity for babies where you let them take the lead.


#17 Read Easter books

Babies and young children love a story and reading books is so good for their language development as well as their imagination.  We’ve been reading books to our kiddos since around 6 months old – it’s an integral part of their bedtime routine.  

So a book is a bit of a no-brainer when it comes to Easter activities for babies. 

Finger puppets always go down well so I’d definitely recommend the Hippity Hoppity Little Bunny Finger Puppet book.

Playing with finger puppets will be a fun Easter activity for your baby
Your baby is sure oy be entertained by these finger puppets from Family Focus Blog

#18 Play with hand or finger puppets 

Your baby is sure to love a little puppet show from none other than the Easter bunny.  Great if you’re good at inventing stories but even if you’re not, these are popular with babies and toddlers alike. 

Why not try making some finger puppets – Family Focus Blog has an easy tutorial, or simply purchase this cute bunny hand puppet.

#19 Sing Easter songs and recite rhymes

Songs and poems also help with language development.  Here’s a lovely Easter poem that’s short and sweet – I reckon I can get my older kids to learn it and recite it to their baby brother and sister.  We’ll see….

5 Little Easter Bunny Nursery Rhyme

5 Little Easter Bunnies,
Sitting by the door!
One hopped away
And then there were 4!

4 Little Easter Bunnies,
Under a tree!
One hopped away
And then there were 3!

3 Little Easter Bunnies,
Looking at you!
One hopped away
And then there were 2!

2 Little Easter Bunnies,
Resting in the sun!
One hopped away
And then there was 1!

1 Little Bunny,
Left all alone!
He hopped away
And then there was none!

#21 Visit some Easter Displays

Babies don’t need much to be entertained.  The world is so new and interesting to them that just taking them out and about can provide plenty of stimulation.  In fact, babies get overstimulated and overtired easily so don’t over do it.   

So for an easy and stress-free Easter activity for babies, why not take them to the mall and check out all those gorgeous Easter displays.  What a visual feast for your baby!  And a great way for you to get out the house.

#22 Baby Easter egg hunt

This is fun Easter activity for babies on the move, crawling, cruising or walking.  Simply hide those plastic easter eggs (sick of them yet?!) not too far from your babies eye-level and the hunt begins! 

You may need to give lots of encouragment for your baby to get the gist but, just like Peekaboo, they’re sure to pick it up fast.  

#23 Visit a farm animal park

Easter means Spring, which means wobbly legs and waggling lambs tails.  So what better way to enjoy baby’s first Easter than with a trip to an animal park where they can get up close to fluffy four-legged newborns.

A couple of Easter baby toys to complement the season

There are so many things around the home that intrigue and interest babies and young children that you don’t need many baby toys. With a little creativity, you can provide your baby with so many engaging activities, without what you already have.

However, there are some fantastic toys that allow plenty of open-ended play while enabling your baby to practise different fine and gross motor skills. As such, a good toy like this, can enrich your baby’s environment as well as last a year or perhaps two.


#24 My 1st Easter Basket Plush Playset

How adorable is this Easter basket playset, complete with a baby chick, bunny, carrot and chick?  This will provide a fun Easter activity for babies and young infants. They’ll love packing and unpacking their very own Easter basket.

As they grow into the toddler years, they’ll enjoy stuffing all sorts of other things in there too.  As well as conjuring up all sorts of play scenarios with all those mini cuddlies.

 #25 Wooden Montessori toy farm puzzle and pack set

This lovely Montessori toy farm puzzle play set has more of a spring theme, than one specifically for Easter.  With the lovely bright colors and  a whole range of engaging activities, there’s plenty to keep little ones busy. 

Babies and young toddlers will love the shape sorting and matching, while refining their fine motor skills. For older toddlers, those animals and vegetables will become characters in their latest game.

This toy will provide a fun and engaging spring-themed activity for your baby and toddler.  Also, as a mom who’s tired of toys strewn around the place, I love the fact that all the pieces pack neatly into the cart.  That’ll really help when it comes to tidying up!

For more toy recommendations, try:

Which Easter activity or craft are you looking forward to doing most with your baby?

Hopefully you’ll have a few things in mind now for baby’s first Easter.  Whether you go for a baby Easter craft or a fun, no prep activity, be sure to keep it simple and have fun!

And if you also have another little one, aged 2, 3 or 4 try these simple toddler Easter crafts or these creative Easter activities for preschoolers.

Happy Easter! 

Bookmark these popular toddler craft and activity posts for later.

Keep kids entertained with these free printable Easter activities!


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Want to dig a little deeper? Check out these other related posts:

A little about me

Mom of 4 kids, baby sleep expert plus home organisation and kids activities and crafts

Hi, I'm Sarah

Mom of four outrageously gorgeous Littles.  Yup, four!  The twins are now two and that title still brings me out in a cold sweat… Yet I’m just as determined to give them the best without losing my mind.  I reckon it’s possible!  Most days.  

I love a challenge and have to find out they ‘why’, ‘what’ or ‘how to’  –  there are rather a lot of these when it comes to kids… 

I also love, love, love things to be neat and tidy and just so.   The Littles normally have other ideas!  

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