The Easter Bunny is nearly on its way! The excitement of the upcoming Easter Egg hunt is already too much for my preschooler, and my toddler is catching on quick… Yeah, for the endless questions about how many days or, “is it today, Mom?”, ” Tomorrow? Tonight”, or my favorite, “Yester-night?” Well, to keep the questions at bay, those little hands busy and the even busier minds occupied, it’s time for some Easter Bunny crafts, specifically with the toddler in mind (2-3 years old). Of course, there will be no stopping my preschooler from joining in – these Easter Bunnies will also be fun for 4 and 5-year-olds.Regardless of age, these Easter Bunny crafts just have to be easy. Otherwise, you-know-who will have to get a lot more involved than she’d like. (That’s me by the way.) Now, that’s not that I don’t love a bit of crafting, but these days I really do have my hands full. (A 6-month-old twin in each, to be precise…)That aside, I always like to encourage my older two to be independent and self-sufficient, and my eldest at 5, certainly wants that too.So, here are some easy Easter Bunny crafts for toddlers as well as some other fun hoppin’ and jumpin’ Easter arts and crafts ideas, all of which will be enjoyed by older kids too. For Easter chick, Easter basket and a whole bunch of other Easter crafts, check out these toddler Easter crafts and these easy Easter crafts and activities for 3 year olds.And if you’re celebrating baby’s first Easter too, or babies plural, as I am, hop on over here for some Easter activities for babies…Happy crafting and Happy Easter!
The Easiest Of The Easy Easter Bunny Crafts For Toddlers
This first section has the easiest bunny crafts for toddlers, which means minimum outside assistance needed, maximum autonomy… That’s the theory anyway. So, although there’s a section just on paper plate Easter Bunny crafts further on in this post, I’ve included some of the easiest ones right here. Same goes for the printables and bunny crafts with cotton wool – I’ve put the easiest of these up here.For supplies and materials for these crafts, check out our recommended product list.Messy Painted Easter Cards for toddlers from @whatbladidnext
Let your toddler go wild with color and paint however and wherever she wants (as long as it’s on paper of course…) allow to dry, cut out bunny shapes and stick onto blank cards. How’s that for an easy Easter toddler bunny craft?Fluffy Easter bunny paper plate craft from Easy Crafts For Kids
This is mainly an exercise in sticking – a glue stick should see your toddler through most of this Easter bunny craft, leaving you to help with nose and whiskers with some PVA glue if you don’t quite trust your little one with something that sticky (just me?!)Contact adhesive fluffy bunny craft from @Simpletoddleractivites
I don’t know who invented contact adhesive but I feel the need to thank them! This really does mean you can leave your toddler to get on with things with very little worry when it comes to mess and stickiness going everywhere… The trickiest bit is getting the adhesive on the wall or window, but once that’s done all you need to do is draw the Easter bunny outline and let your toddler get going.Hatching Easter Bunny from @mombrightideas
I’ve no idea why a bunny would be hatching out of an egg, but there’s something that just works about this Easter bunny craft, right?! Younger toddlers will need help cutting, but will have fun sticking on eyes and whiskers and the egg can be decorated, aka scribbled on, any old how. For the full tutorial and free printable click the link above.Spin Art Bunnies & Eggs from @growing_up_murphy
This is a bit like the very first Easter Bunny craft for toddlers, but here the paint goes on by way of a salad spinner which flings paint all over the pre-cut bunnies, leaving fun, modern art-like paint streaks – a good exercise in process art that I’m sure my kiddos will love. For the tutorial click the link above.Easter bunny finger puppets from Family Focus Blog
If your toddlers like playing with play dough, but get a little sad when it has to be packed away, these salt dough Easter bunnies will be just the ticket. Not just a cute and easy Easter bunny craft for a toddler, but a keepsake too.
Paper Plate Easter Bunny Crafts To Do With Your Toddler
These are the prettiest Easter Bunnies – I love their floral fringes! Not sure those bits would stay on very long in our house as my kiddos love to pull and pick off, anything that can be. Like most toddlers, I’m thinking. But even minus the flowers, these look a fun and easy Easter bunny craft to try. Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft for toddlers from Simple Everyday Mom
This Easter Bunny wreath uses old paint chip cards which you will need to cut into egg shapes. Your toddler can then be in charge of sticking them on (perhaps an opportunity to practice color recognition) and, when done, this Easter bunny craft also doubles as a fun mask for your toddler.Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft from Mommy Made That
A super easy, super cute mask to turn your toddler into an Easter bunny. Every little kid’s dream!
Hoppin’ Bunny Footprint Art
No list of Easter bunny arts and crafts would be complete without some hand and footprint art. So here’s some fun Easter Bunny crafts for toddlers where their footprint takes center stage. These will make wonderful Easter keepsakes, just try to keep those paint-covered feet from hopping too far…For supplies and materials for these crafts, check out our recommended product list.Easter bunny artwork with footprints from @cobain_zeppelin
Draw on whiskers and ears plus cotton ball tail and your toddler’s feet are transformed into a sweet pair of bunnies. What I have just noticed though, is that the bunny apparently has its tail on its tummy, or are my eyes deceiving me?! Cute all the same.Footprint Easter Bunny Art from Fun Handprint Art
This footprint bunny craft for toddlers looks a little more legit, as its tail is off to the side. I do like the big thumper feet that have been added on and the one floppy ear – very cute.Easter Bunny Footprint craft for toddlers from @MadeWithHappy
Similar to the first footprint bunny craft minus the whiskers, these footprint bunnies make a lot more sense: this is definitely the back of the bunny. Easter Bunny Footprints from @SowAndExplore
This bunny craft for toddlers is like the last, but brings a touch of nature in (the tails are made from catkins).
The Cutest Bunny Handprint Crafts To Do With Your Toddler
I’m never sure which I worry about more – paint-covered feet or paint-covered hands… Either way, they’re normally worth the effort a few years down the line. It’s just amazing how quickly these littles ones grow. Anyway, on to those Easter bunny handprint crafts.Easter Bunny Handprint Craft from ColorClayCafe
On this one, you need to tuck your toddler’s thumb in, so you get a 4 fingered handprint. Then color between the two left fingers and between the two right ones to make the bunny ears. Handprint Easter bunny craft from @monkeymccoy
This Easter bunny toddler craft is similar to the last – what a great idea to do the handprint on a tile? It can be used for years to come as a coaster.Easter Bunny Handprint Ears from
Easter Bunny Crafts To Make With Toilet Paper Rolls
After paper plates, aren’t toilet paper rolls the next most useful thing when it comes to toddler crafts? Luckily, since there’s normally a total overuse of toilet paper in our house, (why use 5 sheets when you can use 50, right?!) there’s no shortage of toilet paper rolls. For supplies and materials for these crafts, check out our recommended product list.Toilet paper roll Easter Bunny craft from Hispana Global
This toilet paper roll Easter Bunny looks like it could just hop across the table! That or waddle (it could definitely be easily converted to a penguin…) The template makes this a nice easy bunny craft – you could simplify further by skipping the paint part, making your Easter bunnies brown instead of white.TP roll Easter bunny printing from @jandjcraftlady
In this bunny craft you need to glue 3 TP rolls together to make the bunny head and ears outline. The grass is painted on with a fork to get that streaky look. Another fun Easter craft for your toddler. TP Easter bunny craft from @4stepspreschool
This toilet paper roll craft doesn’t have a template but looks just as easy. Toddlers will have fun cutting pipe cleaners to size and sticking those googly eyes on.
Printable Easter Bunny Crafts For 1-2 Years Olds
There have already been a few along the way but this section is dedicated purely to toddler Easter bunny crafts with printables, so if your artistic skills aren’t much better than your 1, 2 or 3-year-olds or you simply need things prepared yesterday, these crafts are for you.Easter Bunny Headband Craft from Simple Everyday Mom
An Easter bunny craft that doubles as a toy – another must for toddlers that love small-world play. I know my daughter is going to love this is this easy hopping bunny rabbit. Easter Bunny basket weaving
A sweet bunny sitting inside the Easter basket – “Has it eaten all the chocolate eggs?” I can hear my chocolate-obsessed 3-year-old asking! This craft will take a bit of patience alongside some fine motor practice so best suited to older toddlers.
Another bunny craft that I reckon will be played with for quite some time in our house. I can just imagine the bunny hopping races that are going to take place.
Easter bunny crafts with cotton balls & other sensory fun for toddlers
This Easter bunny craft for toddlers is not only easy and cute but practical too; all those Easter treasures and candies will be happily transported around in these paper plate bunny treat bags.Spring Bunny DIY Candy Dishes from Plate In 28
Rather than an Easter basket, your toddler can collect their candies in these homemade bunny dishes. (Good chance for little ones to practice some scissor skills too.) Easter bunny basket from Mer Mag Blog
Toddlers are going to love this easy bunny basket craft that uses the bottom half of a plastic container, covered in white duct tape. Simply add cardboard ears, eyes, nose and rosy cheeks and you’re done. Easter basket non-candy stuffer for toddlers from Organized 31
Non-candy treats are just what you want for toddlers, who can help make these cute Easter bunny crayon packs. You could also use them for the infamous Easter treat hunt and hide them around the house or garden.Paper Mache Easter Baskets from Red Ted Art
These paper mache Easter baskets are to die for – the bunny one is particularly cute, though I do also love the cockerel. Paper mache crafts can be a little messy but they can keep little ones entertained for ages – definitely better done outside if possible.
Instead of a basket, why not try an Easter bunny cup for collecting all those for all those Easter goodies (this one doesn’t need painting so this has the edge for me).
Other fun & easy Easter Bunny Crafts & Activities To Do With Your Toddler
Pegging on those clothespins with the pincer grasp will be help build finger strength in preparation for learning to write. Plus, young kids love playing with clothespins.Peg Easter Bunny craft from @henryliebtlotta
Toddlers will also delight in collecting their candies and then feeding their bunny – clever and cute, this one is sure to be a hit with my two. Easter Bunny Twig Ears from Sprouting Wild Ones
A bunny craft and fun activity. Your toddler could help with the painting too (I reckon the one in the picture above was mostly mom’s effort) and will certainly enjoy putting the puzzle together. Easter bunny paper bag craft from 123 Homeschool 4 Me
Turn an old brown paper bag into an Easter bunny – quick and easy craft to prep for when you have a sudden need to keep your toddler busy and entertained over the Easter holidays.Easter paper craft from Needlepointers
This looks a fun paper Easter craft, but one mainly for mom. Your toddler can help with the fun task of drawing the face on and I’m sure will delight in playing with the finished bunny.
This is definitely one for the crafty mom who’s able to sew and definitely worth the effort as toddlers are going to love playing with these cute sleeping bunnies. These will appeal to older kids too – my 5 year old would still love this type of craft. Shame my sewing is not up to much.Potato Stamped Bunny Cards from Make And Takes
Last and by no means least, is this easy potato stamped Easter bunny card – isn’t it just adorable?
Which bunny craft are you looking forward to doing most with your toddler?
From toilet paper roll and paper plate bunny crafts, to cotton wool and puffy paint, there are a lot of Easter crafts to choose from – I have my favorites, which are yours?
Need some Easter printables? Here are some free activities to try!
Mom of four outrageously gorgeous Littles. Yup, four! The twins are now two and that title still brings me out in a cold sweat… Yet I’m just as determined to give them the best without losing my mind. I reckon it’s possible! Most days.
I love a challenge and have to find out they ‘why’, ‘what’ or ‘how to’ – there are rather a lot of these when it comes to kids…
I also love, love, love things to be neat and tidy and just so. The Littles normally have other ideas!
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