Inside: learn how to organize the nursery closet with baby closet organization ideas & the best baby closet organizers
The nursery closet is an important space in your baby’s room. Little though they may be, babies come with a lot of gubbins so an organized closet is essential.
Otherwise it’ll quickly become cluttered and chaotic and start to drive you bonkers!
There’s always so much to do once baby has arrived, the last thing you want to do is be hunting down x, y, z with one hand, fussy baby in the other.
In this post I will show you exactly how to organize your nursery closet both for function and for fashion. Here you’ll find the best baby nursery closet ideas and organizing tips.
To keep your baby’s nursery neat and tidy while looking good too, some form of “closet organizer” is a must. Also listed are some baby closet organizer ideas available from Amazon and Ikea at the moment.
Happy baby closet organizing!
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Table of Contents
ToggleWhat do you put in a baby closet?
From babygros and sleep sacks, toys to teetheres there’s a lot of baby stuff to store! (There’s more detail after the list of baby closet ideas coming up.)
When organizing the nursery, you’ll have to decide what to put in the baby closet versus somewhere else.
That”ll depend on:
- how big your nursery closet is
- what other storage you have in baby’s room and how easily accessible they are
Things you want to access daily, like everyday baby clothes, need to be in the most easily accessible places. That might be in a drawer unit or another type of baby closet organizer within the closet. Or perhaps in the nursery dresser.
You choose!
What I store in my baby’s closet vs the nursery dresser
The twins nursery is large and has a big dresser in it but their closet is small and narrow – you can walk into it, just, but I’d hardly call it a walk-in closet.
In the nursery dresser: are larger items that I don’t want to access every day. It’s a lovely antique pine dresser but the bottom three drawers do not slide out easily, you need two hands for those ones.
Sheets, sleeping bags and next size pram suits are stored in those.
(The two top dresser drawers, which are smaller and do slide easily, have swaddles and all the diaper changing kit, since I also use the top of the dresser as a change table.)
In the closet: I keep baby clothes and all the things I need easy access to.
Although it’s small and has to store double the amount for two babies, there’s enough room because it’s well organized and there’s no unused space.
Inside the closet is a small drawer unit which has been rather under-utilized until now. It’s very old but seems to have finally found it’s calling as a baby closet dresser!
The drawers are not much good for anything, but the tiny clothes of a small baby and slide out really easily.
With one hand I can easily grab a sleepsuit out the dresser drawer, while holding baby in the other.
Do you hang onesies?
To hang or to fold? The choice is really function versus fashion. Baby clothes look so adorable, it’s tempting to want to hang them all up.
However, it’s more practical to store everyday clothes in a small dresser or drawer unit within the closet.
Why fold onesies?
- It’s a much better use of space than hanging clothes on a hanging rail.
- Hanging baby clothes can be a bit of a pain, since they’re so tiny! It can be fiddly trying to get those little hangers into the sleeves.
When you’re in a hurry, packing away endless amounts of laundry, you can simply shove the clothes in the drawer and shut it, you can skip folding or neatly rolling them all, and no one’s any the wiser.
Yup, this is the only way I put baby clothes away lately…
Only hang the following:
- special occasion/impractical but cute outfits that you’re going to use a handful of times
- matching outfits, that can be kept together a little easier by hanging (put the top on the hanger and clip matching pants to the bottom)
Pack away all other clothes into drawers or other boxes etc.
How to decide exactly what goes in the closet
The following questions will help you decide exactly what to store in baby’s closet and how.
1. Up to what age baby clothes will you be storing in the closet?
You may have a lot of hand-me-downs, so a lot of older baby clothes, as I did.
If so you need to decide how many of these i.e. up to what age, will be stored in the nursery closet. This will depend on how much space it has.
If you have a small nursery closet, then you may only want to store clothes up to, say, 6 months in the closet.
You can store older baby clothes elsewhere in the house e.g. attic, guest bedroom etc. This will make it easier to manage and organize baby’s closet and keep it tidy.
2. What other baby gear needs organizing into the closet?
Again, this will depend on how big the closet is and what other gear you need to organize.
Also consider that some items will be used and stored in other parts of the house once baby has arrived. For example:
- baby slings or carrier and pram suits, will likely live hanging by your front door if you use them frequently
- bottles and sterilizing equipment, if you go this route, will have a permanent home in the kitchen or utility.
3. What other storage do you have or can you make available in baby’s nursery?
If you have a nursery dresser, this can be used for all sorts of baby things, freeing up space in the closet.
However, if your nursery is a squeeze and you don’t have a dresser, panic not. There are some great storage solutions and organizers that will help create extra space in the nursery:
- storage boxes or baskets for under baby’s cot
- hanging closet organisers for the wall or back of the nursery or baby closet door
- shelves or shelf units with storage boxes or baskets
- wall hooks with hanging baskets
There are plenty of baby closet organiser ideas below.
4. Will baby’s nursery change use in the near future?
Do you want to make permanent changes to the nursery closet, by adding built-in shelves and extra hanging rails?
Or perhaps you’re living in a rental property or know that in a year you’ll be moving baby in with their sibling and the nursery will become a guest room. You may want to avoid any permanent changes.
5. Finally, what existing furniture or storage solutions will fit into baby’s closet?
Do you have any furniture elsewhere that’s not being fully utilized?
As mentioned above, the centerpiece of the twins’ nursery closet is a small dresser with tiny drawers, perfect for baby clothes. A bedside table with drawers can also work well in a nursery closet as can cube storage units.
The best nursery closet organization ideas, tips & baby closet inspo
Now that you know what you’re going to store in baby’s closet, it’s time to get organizing! Here are some great baby closet organization ideas that will help you keep the nursery neat and tidy while still looking cute.
Several of these baby closet organization ideas are illustrated with pictures of the closet in my twins nursery, which houses a small dresser. There’s another larger nursery dresser in the room…
Yup, I needed to squeeze baby boy and baby girl clothes into a small and narrow space. I think the results speak for themselves – but I’ll let you be the judge of that!
Nursery closet organization ideas for PRACTICALITY
Most importantly, baby’s closet needs to be well organized so it’s easy to use. These nursery closet organization and storage ideas will help with exactly that.
#1 Keep baby’s everyday essentials within easiest access
Onesies and sleepsuits should be the most accessible, preferably in a drawer unit that’s easily opened with one hand. That’s for the times you’re holding baby in the other.
All your diaper stuff will be at your changing table or diaper station, so unless that’s in your closet, we’re not including those things.
Other frequently used items for a newborn are hats, bibs and mittens so these need to be in easy reach.
#2 Sort and label next size up and store high up
There are lots of gorgeous photos of rails of clothes, sorted by size and separated by pretty closet dividers. Potentially that means clothes that won’t be used for 6+ months will take up valuable space in one of the most accessible places.
I’d recommend sorting and storing older baby clothes by size, into clearly labelled containers. Then packing away in a less accessible space, like the top shelf of the baby closet.
For the first year, baby clothing is normally sized in 3 month increments. This is with the exception of the smallest “small baby” or “newborn” clothes that only last the first month or so. So, keep the small baby and newborn ones easily accessible, pack the others up top.
#3 Have an easily accessible storage box/basket for outgrown clothes
When an item of clothing has been outgrown, put it straight into this storage box/basket once it’s back from the laundry.
Try to avoid letting outgrown clothes mix in with baby’s current clothes. Inevitably you’ll find yourself trying to put clothes that are too small on your baby again.
Dressing baby’s isn’t fun, you don’t ever want to have to repeat the exercise!
#4 Once baby has outgrown more than half the current size, move to the next size up
Don’t start mixing in the next size up clothes before packing away the current size. Make the switch across the board.
So once baby has outgrown most of their small baby/newborn clothes, remove these from the outgrown basket and add the newborn clothes that still fit to the pile. Then either gift on immediately or store elsewhere, e.g. in the attic, for future children.
Then simply grab the box with the next size up and unpack them.
#5 Have an easily accessible “keepsake box” for memorable baby items
Have a special box or basket just for special keepsake items. You might want to keep their hospital wristbands in there, as well as some of their tiny baby clothes that you’re particularly fond of.
Try not to save too much though. All the stuff quickly mounts up!
Having learnt my lesson with my first two babies, this time around I went for very small keepsake boxes, which also have a bit of history. Pictured above are two mini-suitcases: one is from each of my Grandmothers. I just love them!
#6 Have a sensor light inside the closet
For the times when you want to avoid turning on all the lights in the nursery but need something from baby’s closet – don’t underestimate those middle-of-the-night poop explosions… – a discreet sensor light is a worthy investment.
They’re relatively inexpensive and will make your life so much easier! I like these ones that are magnetic and rechargeable – simply place on a shelf in the nursery closet.
#7 Use bow and headband organizers
This cute baby bow and headband organizer will make it easy to organize your baby girls hair bows and other hair accessories.
In this way you can make a feature of them. Practical and add to the cuteness too.
#8 Add extra closet shelves to make storage units more easily accessible
Open shelves are ideal for storage boxes and baskets but once stacked are tricky to access. When you want something from the bottom unit you’re going to have to remove the ones stacked on top.
So if those units are going to store baby items that you need regularly, install extra shelves to make them easy to access.
#9 Label storage units and closet organizers
These clip-on label holders are all about practicality. Simply clip onto the closet organizer and insert your own hand-written label. For plastic storage units, you can use these peel and stick label holders.
When you come to change the contents of the box, you can easily switch out the old label for a new one.
#10 If you don’t want to mark the outside of a drawer, label the top
This means the label will only be visible when you pull the drawer out. I find this sufficient for the large nursery dresser, since it only stores things used less frequently.
It works particularly well for wide drawers, where different parts of the drawer house different items, as you can see in the picture.
Baby closet ideas & organization tips for CUTENESS
Just because it’s a baby closet, you still want to make it look pretty! You can also make it fit to the decor of the nursery.
#11 Personalize your baby’s closet with their name or initials
Adding your baby’s name or initials inside the nursery closet is a really sweet way of personalizing it and adding some lovely decoration too. You could try some bunting, like I have above, wooden letters or how about some resin flower letters?
#12 Get a set of matching hangers
Lots of baby clothes come on plastic hangers, I simply cleaned off the sticky labels and reused them. But for a neater look, you could invest in a set of matching hangers.
Here are some lovely baby velvet hangers, which not only look the part but are non-slip too, making it easy to hang up that cute jersey top with matching pants.
#13 Add some nursery themed wallpaper
A quick and easy way to add personality and style to the nursery closet is by using some nursery-themed wallpaper on one of the walls.
This is only worth doing if you have some bare wall space or open shelves where the wall is clearly visible. If the nursery closet is going to be full to the brim with storage boxes, obviously you won’t see the wallpaper.
#14 Make a display of special occasion outfits
These are the only clothes I like to hang. They look cute but aren’t particularly practical for everyday use for a baby. Have these on show to add to the decor.
#15 Choose nursery storage units, shelves & hooks that coordinate with the nursery decor
Whichever nursery theme you’ve gone for, you should be able to find storage boxes, baskets and wall hooks that fit with that look.
I found the adorable brass bear hooks, pictured above, on Ebay and they fit so well with the vintage decor. I’m still figuring out exactly where to put them…
#16 Put baby booties and other cute items out on display
If you have enough space in the closet, you could dedicate a shelf to pretty baby things, like first booties, scan photos or something of sentimental value.
Coordinated, wooden and vintage toys are perfect to display. What about some old fashioned trucks and vehicles from when your parents were kids.
Simple baby closet ideas to DIY
If you’re a little bit crafty and want a unique look that you can customise, try these simple DIY baby nursery closet ideas:
#17 DIY your own labels with bunting, ribbon and scrap book paper
Pretty nursery-themed labels are a quick way of adding some personality and style to the necessary practical elements of baby’s nursery closet.
Above are the ones I made to label the closet dresser drawers which holds onesies and sleepsuits. I cut out onesie and sleepsuit shapes in blue patterned scrap paper for my baby boy twin and chose a floral pattern for my baby girl.
This worked perfectly for those who don’t understand baby clothing terminology (my husband) and those who are still learning to read (my older kids)!
#18 Chalkboard paint the front of the closet dresser drawers
I absolutely love this one and would definitely have gone for this if I wasn’t going for the vintage look. Simply paint a patch of chalkboard onto the front of each dresser drawer, or paint the full drawer front. Then you can write what’s in each drawer.
As baby grows and you have to reorganize, you can simply rub out and re-write.
#19 Use clothespins instead of clip hangers
To keep two-part baby outfits together, you can invest in clip hangers like these. However, clothespins attached to a regular hanger will do the job just as well.
SMALL baby closet ideas (to increase storage)
Is your nursery closet the size of a broom cupboard? My twin’s closet is! So here are some small nursery closet organization ideas specifically for tiny closets.
However, whatever the size of baby’s closet, take note of these tips. I’d absolutely recommend making use of every inch of spare space now.
The older your baby gets, the more they will end up needing – their stuff just seems to multiply on a monthly basis! So you may as well get ahead; don’t leave any closet space unused.
#20 Use the sidewalls of the closet
There’s normally an abundance of unused wall space in the closet, particularly on the sidewalls. You need to use this vertical space, particularly in small closets.
There may not be enough space for shelves, drawers or other baby closet organizers, but you’re sure to be able to fit in a hook or two. These hooks can be used for hanging baskets, as well as a diaper bag and/or other accessories.
#21 Make use of the back of the closet door
There are some super handy back of the door storage solutions. Pictured is this heavy duty pantry organiser, which clearly works really well as a baby closet organizer. It hangs over the back of the door and has adjustable shelves.
There are also several fabric options. There are closet organizers with multiple pockets, designed for storing adult shoes – good for small baby items. Or ones with fewer, much larger pockets – good for books, soft toys, or cloth diapers.
These are pictured in the baby closet organizer section.
#22 Use shallow storage containers or trays under the bottom shelf or dresser
If you have a dresser with legs inside your nursery closet, or shelves, be sure to try and use the space underneath.
#23 Install a second temporary closet rail for more hanging space
Drawers are the most practical way to store everyday baby clothes, such as onesies and sleepsuits. However, if you have a lot of clothes you want to display you can install a second rail.
Most closets are designed with adult clothing in mind but baby clothes are small and take up very little vertical space. You should have plenty of space below your existing rail.
I made a temporary rail to help organize my twins’ nursery closet, as you can see pictured above. It hangs from the main closet rail with some pretty ribbon.
My husband simply drilled a hole through each end of a short wooden pole, through which I threaded the ribbon. Cute and simple!
Once they’re wearing bigger clothes, I can simply lower the temporary rail down to accomodate them. Then eventually remove it altogether.
You can also buy a temporary and adjustable closet rail, which operates in exactly the same way.
Baby WALK-IN closet ideas
If the nursery already has a walk-in closet you’ll have plenty of space to play with. You’ll have a lot of different options when it comes to arranging the space, as these baby walk-in clost ideas illustrate.
#25 For those that love to hang…
I firmly believe in only hanging those special occasion outfits and storing everyday essentials in drawers, as it’s the most practical option.
However, if you have the time and inclination to spend hanging all those tiny clothes, you’re going to love the walk-in baby closet idea above.
There are a total of 9 hanging rails! Of course, just because you have rails installed doesn’t mean you have to use them all. Simply place storage tubs on the shelves instead. Or add a decorative element, as pictured above under the middle corner rail.
#26 Maximize open shelves for flexibility
With open shelves you can stack clothes, use functional baby closet organizers, from plastic tubs to fabric lidded boxes. You can add toy baskets and pretty them up with cute toys and other accessories.
You can mix and match all of the above and depending on your child’s rapidly changing needs.
For maximum flexibility, installing open shelves in the nursery closet is a great option.
#27 The Elfa System
This baby walk-in closet idea uses the Elfa system. It’s pricey but may be a worthy investment for both large and small closets.
They’re custom made to your exact specifications but won’t involve lots of drilling and tricky installation – extra shelves and hanging rails are hung off the main closet rail.
The Elfa is also extremely versatile as you’re able to easily move shelves and rails around. It’s another great option for flexibility, avoiding the need for a big rework as storage needs change. It’ll last through toddlerhood and beyond.
#28 Narrow Walk-in Closet
For a narrow walk-in closet that maximizes hanging, this simple arrangement really works. Hanging rails left and right with a central storage unit with shelves for baskets, clothes you’d rather stack and display items.
If baby’s closet is small and similarly shaped, this nursery closet organization idea is a great option.
BUDGET nursery closet storage ideas
Organizing the baby’s closet doesn’t have to cost too much. Here are a few ideas to organize your nursery closet while on a budget.
#29 Repurpose & reuse
If you’re after storage boxes see what you already have at home that you can use. If you’re going for the vintage look and/or are keen on upcycling and reusing, the following are great for storage:
- Large hat or gift boxes
- Sturdy vintage suitcases
- Old wicker baskets and hampers
- Old wooden tea chests or wine or fruit crates
- Large decorative biscuit & cake tins
- Old tissue boxes or coffee cans – perfect for all the little things
- Old diaper boxes – here’s a tutorial to cover them in wrapping paper and turn them into sturdy and pretty storage boxes
Pictured above are the old tea boxes which came from my Grandmother, all the way from Ceylon – you can still the Ceylon text. I use them to store baby bottles and other old toys.
#30 Check out your local dollar store
They offer great storage solutions such as drawer organizers and clear storage bins in all different sizes, as well as pretty accessories like bunting You just never know what you might be able to pick up for just a few dollars.
Baby Girl Closet Ideas
Have a little princess on the way? Here are some cute baby girl closet ideas to inspire you.
#31 Gold accents
This gorgeous baby girl closet idea is simply divine and it’s the accents of gold that pull it altogether. From the closet rails and drawer handles to the suitcase clips and buckles, the gold theme continues throughout the nursery. You can just see the stool legs on the edge of the photo.
Bella has the queen of baby closets!
#32 Go neutral and natural
If you’re into boho or neutral colors, this nursery closet organization idea is just perfect! Different styles of baskets and earth-toned toys add texture and give this closet a natural touch.
Don’t forget to take advantage of the top shelf by using wicker baskets to store more clothes and baby essentials.
#33 Uptown girl
Smart grey stripes are the order of the day in this modern baby girl closet idea. These are softened by the basket style storage units underneath and the different textures and pastel colors of those gorgeous dresses and cardis.
Baby Boy Closet Ideas
Are you expecting a baby boy? Take a look at these baby boy closet ideas to help you get started.
#34 Modern classic
This boy baby nursery closet idea has incorporated clever storage solutions while maintaining a modern and classic look with soft blue accents through toys, hangers and clothes.
The space has been so well used. It’s certainly a nursery closet that’s functional and stylish at the same time!
#35 Geometric accents boy baby closet idea
Geometric patterns can be hard to use, but this baby boy closet idea proves that these different prints can be your friend. As long as you’re using white solid paint, you can freely add baskets and organizers with a few grown-up geometric patterns for a neat and modern look.
#36 Bear-y beautiful baby boy closet
Gentle to they eyes, magnificently organized – this baby closet packs a lot in! I love the transparent drawers makig it super easy to find things without having to rummage.
There’s also plenty of space to display toys and baskets for store more baby supplies.
Looking for more grogeous nursery inspiration?
Check out these posts:
- 41 Stunning Rainbow Nursery Ideas
- 75 Green baby nursery ideas: sage to olive, dark to light
- 49 Out of this World Space-Themed Nursery Ideas
- 35 Gorgeous nursery shelf & decor ideas
IKEA baby closet ideas
Everyone loves Ikea and, of course, they offer plenty of organization ideas and solutions for the nursery closet. Here are some Ikea baby room closet ideas that are both functional and look good too.
#37 Ikea sunnersta rail with hooks and bins
The Ikea sunnersta rail plus hooks and/or plastic bins will make good use of any spare wall space in the closet. Install the rail and attach hooks to hang hairbands, burp cloths etc, or for bigger items attach plastic bins.
Install the Ikea Sunnersta rail and then attach some bins for all those odds and ends. You can also attach hooks – you can never have enough hanging space!
To display headbands or ribbons, hang them from the rail with multiple hooks for a cute and super organized look.
#38 Hanging IKEA nursery closet organizer
Hanging storage organizers are brilliant if you have too much hanging space in the closet. This one from Ikea is perfect for baby clothes with it’s small compartments.
#39 Ikea Pax Closet System
The IKEA Pax closet system is a popular baby closet organizer. There are plenty of options for customization at an affordable price.
As you can see in the image above, this IKEA nursery closet organizer provides enough room to hang clothes above while providing other baby necessities neatly packed away. No wonder this cabinet is a crowd favorite, it’s a perfect mix of style and practicality.
#40 Ikea Kallax Cube Unit
Cube storage units with compatible textured or printed baskets provide such a versatile storage option, ideal for the changing needs of baby’s closet. You can display some things and pack others away into the baskets.
For a similar baby closet organizer from Ikea, try their Kallax shelf unit. It has a choice of 4 or 8 cubes, so you can pick according to the size of baby’s closet.
Baby closet organizer ideas
Even if you manage to recycle and repurpose, you’re likely to need to invest in one or two different types of storage solution when organizing baby’s closet. These will also help maximize space in the closet, so make great baby clothes storage ideas for small spaces.
Below are a selection of the best closet organizers for the nursery available on Amazon right now. Some have been mentioned before in conjunction with other organization ideas.
#41 Hanging closet organizers
These come in different shapes and sizes, to hang on the back of the door, on a hook on the wall or on the closet rail. So first decide where it’s going to hang and then what you want to store in it.
A shoe closet organizer like this is great for small items like hats, mittens, stuffed animals and toys.
For bigger items, such as cloth diapers, try this back of door organizer with much bigger pockets. Of all the baby closet organizer ideas listed, this one is my favorite.
I have this exact one hanging on the back of the twins baby closet, jammed packed with things. It’s not particularly tidy, hence isn’t pictured! But shut the closet door and no one’s any the wiser…
#42 Wicker baskets
Wicker baskets like the ones pictured are ideal for storing baby items in the nursery closet. They look lovely and natural, plus they’re easily accessible. You can even line them with pretty fabric to match your nursery decor.
#43 Wire baskets
For a vintage industrial look, wire baskets like these might be exactly what you’re looking for. They’re also practical as you can easily see what’s inside.
#44 Clear plastic boxes
Clear plastic boxes like these are sturdier and more practical than wicker or wire baskets but just not quite as pleasing on the eye.
If you buy a set, they’re normally stackable which is great for the top closet shelf. Stack and pack away boxes with items you don’t regularly access, like next size up clothes, up high.
Boxes containing items you need daily are better off unstacked, for easy access.
#45 Foldable lidded boxes
These foldable collapsible fabric boxes with lids pack away flat when not in use and have lids so you can stack if necessary.
#46 Closet drawer organizers
If you have a dresser in the nursery closet with large drawers, you may want to divide the drawers up with drawer dividers like these. This will make the drawers easier to organize.
#47 Baby closet dividers
If you do decide to hang most of your baby’s clothes or have a lot of special occasion outfits, organizing baby clothes by size is a must using closet dividers like these. This will make it much easier to find the right outfit when you’re in a hurry.
Alternatively, make your own – here’s a tutorial to make DIY nursery closet dividers.
#48 Stackable shelving unit
A stackable shelf unit like this is a great way to use vertical space in the nursery closet and can be rearranged as and when needed.
Considering painting in nursery or furniture?
Check out the following:
- 15 best paints for a baby room (zero-VOC, baby-safe, non-toxic)
- 13 Best non-toxic safe paints for your baby’s crib
- 23 Best Green Nursery Paint Colors
What baby clothes and gear need organizing and storing?
Before starting to organize the nursery closet, you need to figure out exactly what you need to store. From there you can decide what you want to go in baby’s closet versus what goes elsewhere.
1. Everyday clothes & accessories
Onesies, sleepers and bodysuits are the most commonly used items for newborns and will likely make up the majority of your baby’s wardrobe in those early months.
So a standard “outfit” will probably consist of a bodysuit/onesie (short-sleeved vest with no legs) with a sleepsuit/one-piece (long-sleeved with legs) over the top.
How many outfits does a newborn baby need?
The number of outfits your newborn needs will depend on your baby, as well as how often you do laundry. If your baby spits up a lot or has reflux, you could go through 6+ outfits a day, that was my first daughter.
By contrast, her older brother easily went the whole day in the same outfit. So I used far fewer clothes for him. My twins were somewhere in between, probably averaging 2 or 3 outfits a day.
Of course, you’re not going to know this until your little one arrives.
But, assuming you do laundry every 2-3 days, I’d recommend 10 complete outfits. So 10 onesies and 10 sleepsuits.
Then there are mittens, and hats (a few of each, since they fall off and get lost easily).
2. Newborn sleepwear & outerwear
Swaddle sacks and/or swaddle blankets are great for helping baby to settle as a newborn, then when they’re older sleeping bags are the way to go.
Then outerwear: padded pram suits with inbuilt mittens and a hood should cover it.
3. Special occasion outfits
Like meeting family members for the first time, Christenings, holiday parties or siblings birthday parties.
Here, we’re talking about that cute flowery dress and cardigan set and those adorable red corduroy trousers with matching shirt and waistcoat. Cute, but not practical and probably not all that comfortable for a newborn either.
Baby socks can also be added to the list here – until your baby is walking, shoes are not necessary.
To sum it up, here are all the different baby clothes that you’ll need as a minimum for a newborn:
- 10 onesies
- 10 sleepsuits
- 3-5 pairs of mittens
- 3-5 hats
- 5+ bibs
- 10+ burp cloths
- cute outfits for special occasions and photos
- 3-4 swaddle sacks and/or swaddle blankets
- 1-2 pramsuits
Safe sleep guidelines recommend that babies sleep on a firm flat mattress, in a clear cot free of loose blankets pillows, toys, bumpers and sleep positioners. So if you thought you needed to buy any of those things for baby, you don’t.
Other baby gear
Besides clothes, the list of baby gear that you already have or plan to get could be pretty endless. Here are the essentials that you’ll need to find a home for, potentially in baby’s closet:
- diapers and diaper cream
- thermometer and medicines
- crib & bassinet sheets
- towels & bathing supplies
- books and toys
- breast pump, storage bags and other breastfeeding accessories
- bottles and bottle sterilization equipment
- pacifiers and teethers
- baby wrap/sling/carrier (for calming & carrying!)
- sleeping bags
- bows and headbands for baby girls
- travel crib
Ready to get cracking with these baby closet ideas?
I hope you’ve enjoyed these baby room closet ideas, organization tips and baby closet organizer ideas. You should now have a plan in mind to make the closet space cute as well as functional.
I’d love to hear what you think of my own efforts!
Nursery closet organization FAQs:
When should you organize baby’s nursery and closet?
Most parents like to start prepping for baby and planning the nursery and closet around the 20-week mark. However, if you’re not feeling ready to nest just yet, there’s no need to worry.
Baby’s don’t need very much at first and although it’s nice to be super organized ahead of time, it’s by no means, essential. You won’t move them into their own room immediately anyway.
The first few weeks and months your baby will be sleeping in the room with you, so you’ll have plenty of time to finish up organizing their closet. Whether or not you’ll want to when still recovering postpartum is another matter…
I only finished organizing the twins closet and nursery by the time they turned 3 months! Of course, as soon as they were born my time disappeared into a black hole so it was a slow process.
How do I organize a nursery closet on a budget?
To organize your nursery closet on a budget you have plenty of options. One way is to use things you already have around the house, like old hat boxes, suitcases, baskets, and crates. Another way is to buy second-hand storage solutions and upcycle.
Check the list of nursery closet organization ideas and baby closet organizer ides for inspiration.
Can you put the changing table in the nursery closet?
Yes, you can put the changing table in the nursery closet – it’s nice to tuck it away out of site. However, it will take up a lot of space.
A better option might be to use a freestanding changing station that can be moved around as needed. Alternatively, you could consider using a chest of drawers or dresser and simply put your changing pad on the top.
You can now get changing tables that clip onto the top of baby’s crib, freeing up valuable space in the nursery and closet.
What are the challenges of storing baby clothes in the closet?
Well, there’s going to be a lot of them and they’re all very small… If you’ve had a baby shower or have friends or family with babies already, you may already be inundated with a ton of tiny clothes – that was me the last time around.
By the time I had my boy-girl twins, babies 3 and 4, most of my friends were done with having babies. They were offloading baby clothes onto me, left right and center.
The clothes mountains were a challenge to navigate for quite some time! Organzing the closet was an absolute must.
It’s not only the sheer volume and their tiny size – but you may not know exactly which baby clothes you need and how often you’ll need different items.
Frequency of use can help determine exactly where and how to store things.
What’s the best way to store baby clothes?
The best way to store baby clothes is by folding or rolling them, then packing away into drawers. Well, this is my preferred way to store baby clothes as it doesn’t take up a lot of space and if it’s a bit untidy no one will see!
Folding and stacking on open shelves is also good as you can easily see what you need (but also see untidy folding!)
Hanging baby clothes takes up the most space and it the least practical but great for cute-looking clothes that look good on display.
How do you organize a small closet with a lot of stuff?
The following list of nursery closet organization ideas will also be very suitable for small and narrow closets. To be honest, it doesn’t matter how big the closet or nursery is, you will always want more space – you always want to maximize on storage space.